Welcome to JCU Single Sign-on
Sign into University services using your Campus Network ID
Do not include with your Campus Network ID

Attention! This system is the property of John Carroll University (JCU). Access to this system is for authorized JCU persons only. All data contained on this system, JCU servers, JCU owned storage devices, or transmitted over the JCU network is the property of JCU, and can be monitored, searched, or seized by authorized personnel if necessary. No confidential data should be removed from the confines of JCU information systems withou t the express approval of authorized personnel. The use of JCU property for illegal activities, including but not limited to the downloading of copy righted media, is strictly prohibited. The installation and/or use of software not expressly owned by or granted for use to JCU is also strictly pro hibited. Information Technology Services must be notified of any additional software you wish to install on this system. The use of JCU's IT resourc es, including any third party services or applications that are provided to JCU, are governed by JCU's applicable IT Resources and privacy policies, and by use of such resources, I consent to the terms of JCU's IT Resources and privacy policies, which are available at